Nicolas Vigneron - Outdoormix Festival

Nicolas Vigneron

Having been in photography for more than 10 years now, I am above all passionate about outdoor sports, performances and encounters. I evolve next to friends and athletes who bite the dust, bleed to break their bones, ready to do anything to get THE picture that will immortalize the fruit of their hard work. Always in search of aesthetics and symmetry of the image, I am a self-taught in thirst of discoveries …

I’ve been on the OMF since the 2016 edition and I have so many good moments that it would be impossible to keep just one. On the other hand, I have some unforgettable memories of the 2016 edition, especially with my friend and athlete Jaan Roose, who electrified the crowd and won the jumpline contest hands down, in front of a crowd of crazy people! It was magical.

The Outdoormix in 1 picture

View by Nicolas Vigneron


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