![Œil du Yak - Outdoormix Festival](https://strapi.outdoormixfestival.com/uploads/L_oeil_du_Yak_thumb_01c851438e.jpg)
Œil du Yak
The Official Volunteer Photographer
I got my first camera when I was 15 years old. I had touched cameras before, but this one was my first real digital one.
It was a space of freedom. I was always outside to take pictures, mostly for myself.
I kept moving up the range, whenever I had work to do, and a few pennies on the side.
After my studies, photography became obvious in my choice of future.
At first amateur, then referenced as a photographic artist, I became professional in order to meet specific demands and needs, and to be able to live from my passion. My work revolves around today’s dark atmospheres, and the search for clarity, sometimes hidden, sometimes disguised, but always present. Mainly interested in creating artistic portraits, I work in events and architecture to make a living.
I realized my dream, largely thanks to the Outdoormix and the association WeAreHautesAlpes, which gave me the freedom to take my first official event photos, my first stage photos, my first ambiance photos and my first photos of volunteers.
Since then, we never leave each other. It’s a family that allowed me to start expressing myself in what I love to do, and I will always be indebted to them for that.