Quentin Morien - Outdoormix Festival

Quentin Morien

fr 29 yo


Born in France in St-Clément de Rivière in 1994, this young rider has been practicing BMX for 10 years.
He is a founding member of the association Basic BMX, where he gives lessons and trains with his buddies. This association was created 10 years ago. Today, it gathers the elite of BMX Freestyle riders. Recruited by the French Cycling Federation in 2020, he became a member of the French team. At his side the riders Florian Ferrasse and Anthony Jean Jean ride with him in the French team, but also in the association Basic BMX.

Passionate about BMX since always, I created Basic BMX and I am today a trainer within the association in Clapiers.

His sponsors

  • Basic Bmx
  • Flybikes
  • Prorider34
  • Doomey-sport
  • ZooBrew Brasserie Animale

His sport


2024 Results

His achievements


Vice Champion of France


2nd - BMX Dirt Contest (Outdoormix Festival)

Ses résultats du Spring 2019

# Rider pts
1 Anthony Jeanjean - Outdoormix Festival Anthony Jeanjean fr 1000
2 Quentin Morien - Outdoormix Festival Quentin Morien fr 800
3 Istvan Caillet - Outdoormix Festival Istvan Caillet fr 600

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