Eliot  Nochez - Outdoormix Festival

Eliot Nochez

31 yo


Born in a family of enthusiasts, and put in the air at the age of two. He really discovered paragliding at the age of ten and chose to stay with it. This paraglider pilot finds through his discipline a diversity of feelings and sensations. French champion several times, this passion leads him to constantly set new challenges to not stop at official competitions.

This former top-level freestyle paragliding athlete now specializes in video-making. Eliot practices various extreme sports such as kite foiling, BASE jumping, skiing, and speed ridings, he likes to mix disciplines and comes up with new combos and never-before-seen images.

The outdoormix Festival is an event I’m particularly fond of, the mix of disciplines and the musical program keep me coming back every year!

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His sponsors

  • Advance Paragliding
  • Salomon
  • Valmorel
  • Jean Lain Automobile

His sport

Paraglider Paraglider

Coming soon…

Our team is currently finalising details of the competitions that will take place from 6 to 9 June 2025 at the 11th edition of the Outdoormix Festival. We’re looking forward to seeing even more of you than last year!
To make sure you don’t miss out on any news about the event, sign up for the newsletter here.

His achievements


2nd place - World Ranking


French Champion


4th place - World Ranking
Follow Eliot Nochez on social networks

His editions

Spring 2015
Spring 2018
Spring  2019
Spring 2023
Spring 2024
Winter 2018
Winter 2019

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