spring 2015

Relive the third edition of the Outdoormix adventure! In 2015, We05 finally understood that a traveling event was a far too heavy utopia in terms of logistics.

Relive the edition in video

For its three years, the event becomes sedentary and takes up residence on the most beautiful spot in the area, the beach of the spray lake, known for its breathtaking natural setting, but also for its perfect adaptability concerning facilities, thus facilitating the organization of major events: the “Embrun Triathlon”, the “Tour de France” or the “E dans l’eau festival”, which largely inspired the WE05 team in its youth.

Volunteers greatly appreciated this new lightness in their missions. That year, following two flourishing editions, the association’s resources were sufficient to start investing in national music programming and therefore more attractive to the populations of neighboring regions. The sports program is also developing with the integration of MTB Dirt. That year, the Outdoormix festival began to appeal to the public and especially families, thanks to the development of a free initiation program for the various sports on the program.

Itchy & Scratchy - Outdoormix Festival
Itchy & Scratchy
Breakbeats / Drum & Bass
Driss - Outdoormix Festival
Shotu - Outdoormix Festival

Mayd Hubb - Outdoormix Festival
Mayd Hubb
Underground music
Joe Pilgrim - Outdoormix Festival
Joe Pilgrim
Reggae Dub / Soul-Groove
Panda Dub - Outdoormix Festival
Panda Dub
Electro / Dub

Soviet Suprem - Outdoormix Festival
Soviet Suprem
Chanson Française / militaro-punk
Smokey Joe & The Kid - Outdoormix Festival
Smokey Joe & The Kid
Electro HipHop
Captain Cumbia - Outdoormix Festival
Captain Cumbia
Electro / Cumbia


Spring 2015
Pablo Signoret - Outdoormix Festival


Snow TricklineHighline
26 yo
Nicolas Fayol - Outdoormix Festival


Stand Up PaddleStand Up Paddle
55 yo
Nathan Faure-Vincent - Outdoormix Festival


29 yo
Maxime Peythieu - Outdoormix Festival


MTB DirtMTB Dirt
31 yo
Jaan Roose - Outdoormix Festival


33 yo
Gaetan Ricord - Outdoormix Festival


26 yo
Franck  Chauvet - Outdoormix Festival

Franck Chauvet

MTB DirtMTB Dirt
33 yo
Eric Deguil - Outdoormix Festival


KayakKayak Extreme
44 yo

More editions

Winter 2022
Spring 2016
Spring 2017
Winter 2018

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