Jacques Gilardone - Outdoormix Festival

Jacques Gilardone

35 yo


My name is Jacques Gilardone, a Franco-Italian who lives in Val Sesia. I have always lived in Italy, and at the end of my university studies I travelled for 2 years in Australia and South-East Asia. With kayaking, traveling is my greatest passion and I always try to do as much as possible!
I have been paddling since I was very young, about 3 years, thanks to my father who passed on his greatest passion to me: river kayaking! My father started with slalom while spending his vacations in Val Sesia, Italy. I learned to paddle at the same time as walking, my kayaking memories are the oldest I have!

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His sponsors

  • Exo kayak
  • Eddyline

His sport

Kayak Extreme Kayak

Following the destruction of the clapière wave during the December 2023 floods, we are unable to organize a kayak competition.

Kayakers are still welcome at the festival to enjoy the many rivers in the area. All they need to do is obtain a festival pass and/or camping pitch directly from the reception desk at the La Clapière municipal campsite.

We’ll be pulling out all the stops to ensure that kayaking makes a big comeback next year.

the other riders

Joaquim Fontané Maso - Outdoormix Festival

JoaquimFontané Maso

KayakKayak Freestyle
31 yo
Mathieu Dumoulin - Outdoormix Festival


KayakKayak Freestyle
38 yo
Eric Deguil - Outdoormix Festival


KayakKayak Extreme
44 yo
Michal Buchtel - Outdoormix Festival


KayakKayak Extreme
39 yo
Pavlina Zasterova - Outdoormix Festival


KayakKayak Extreme
29 yo
Lukas Cervinka - Outdoormix Festival


KayakKayak Freestyle
36 yo
Follow Jacques Gilardone on social networks

His editions

Spring 2016
Spring 2017
Spring 2018

We are hautesalpes

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